Saturday, 31 October 2009

Team D and our creative ideas

As a group we began to brainstorm ideas about what we could do for a own film. to do this we began by separating out the script giving each individual in the group a couple of scene to rewrite. Then once rewritten we could write out our own ideas that would be good to incorporate into our film. i began by concentrating on the theme of the original script and tried to manipulate it. I kept with the theme of desire and possessions and began to think about deeper ideas such as ones involving alcohol or drug abuse which is a serious problem in many places today. But to give a wide range of ideas i also concentrated on keeping it simple and keeping things, like the object of desire, quite small.

These are some of my original notes
What would you do for a pair of shoes?
Obsession – the desire to have something, the desire being so great that they will go to any length in order to get the thing they want. In this case a pair of shoes but other ideas could be other expensive or rare items or even people, drugs or alcohol.

This could lead on to themes of addiction especially in the cases of drugs or alcohol, stealing money to pay for these things could really be happening and seems to be an important theme considering the amount of drug and alcohol abuse around at the moment.

after discussing my notes and the other contributions from my group we all decided to keep the idea simple which would allow us to have play around with interesting camera work, unique editing techniques and good use of sound. we decided on the idea of one character with the desire to get a small object but comes across many problems and wasn't as easy as first expected. The main character then performs and immoral act in order to gain this small object and turns out that wasn't really worth the effort in the end. The film will show artistic forms of filming as well as humour and an easy to follow storyline. Once our idea was finalised it was time to start a rewrite of a whole new script.

In my opion i found celtx to be a life saver, it made rewriting easy and quick. i was able to properly fomat my script with minimal effort and with handy shortcuts it took no time to work out how to use it and how to produce a professional looking script. i would definitely recommend gettin Celtx for anyone who intends on planning a film for themselves it allows the user to write a script, produce a story board and many other useful tasks. Having all these things simplified just makes it easier when it comes to actually making the film, so i feel without Celtx it would have been made a lot harder to organise the planning of our film.

once we rewrote the script as a team it was time to decide who would play what role during the production of the film. It didn't take long to decide and came to an agreement that Bianne would be happy to direct, Myles has had previous experience in sound production so wanted to take that part, Gus and Alfred were more than happy to help each other out with both the role of producer and stage manager as these two people working alongside will allow locations, props and actors to come together nicely. I then agreed to be the cameraman, i have shot films previously and feel confident in producing a well shot film . When it comes to editing we decided that we shall all input our own ideas and with my experience of using Final Cut we should be able to produce a well edited film as a team.

Here's a some what disturbing sequence from City of God but one which i find particularly interesting for its uses of camera techniques and how it uses a variety of different shots and angles to capture what is happening. The camera work is always something i enjoy watching when i see any film because any new techniques is new inspiration.

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