Thursday, 20 May 2010

All Coming To An End

As we receahed the hand in date for the final edit of our film, it was all was coming together nicely. We weren't highly experieneced in all the feature Final Cut Pro had to offer but we always had help at hand and even used Youtube as a source of tutorials for small jobs like White Balance. This is a good example of a video we used to help with small problems.
We concentrated on sound and music as our last step. It proved relatively simple, as we had some close friends who had created some music for previous projects and they were happy to help us. We had 2 pieces of music from 2 people who were more than happy to let us use their music and Tristan even altered his track so it would fit better into our film. Also we found a very useful Website,, which was extrmeley helpful as it was created by a man who had produced his own music and allows for the free right top use it in any project. The website had an elaborate selection of music and was categorised by 'feel' such as intense or uplifting.
With all the music added in the right places it did still seem like there was something missing, we debated about using titles or chapters to help the audience distinguish between to different day for example. In the end however we decided to use a voice over, they have always been used frequently for short films and we all felt they were an effective way of teeling the story and helping the audience gain an understanding for the charcters actions. We decided to use a person with a deep voice and tell it as if it was in the past tense. This gave a story book feel to the film creating a sense that there is a message behind it and a moral which can be applied to children as well as adults.

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